Spooky Spaghetti Family Night! 

Come in costume and join us at our annual Spooky Spaghetti event hosted by the dads of Cougar Ridge Elementary. This year our Spooky Spaghetti event will feature Trunk-or-Treating, games, prizes, dancing and of course our wonderful Cougar Ridge dads serving a delicious spaghetti dinner. The Cougar Ridge dads take great pride in planning and executing the event with the terrific support of the PTSA. This is one of our most popular events each year at Cougar Ridge!

Early Bird Special: Tickets are $10 per person through Tuesday, October 24th.

Starting Wednesday, October 25th, tickets will increase to $15 per person.

Children ages 2 and under are free.

Tickets can be purchased online until day of the event and at the door. 

To order tickets, click here.

If the cost is a challenge for your family, please email us about scholarships.


We are looking for volunteers to help make this event a success! Please check out the Sign Up Genius here for volunteer opportunities- volunteer for as much or as little as you would like!

Dads... please contact David Johnson if you are interested in volunteering.  Thank you in advance!

We are also looking for candy and prize donations!! Trunk or Treat and   all the games are supplied with candy and prizes donated by our   wonderful parents and PTSA.  Please take a look at the Sign Up Genius   to see everything we need. Please bring all donations to the front office   of the school or in your child's backpack to be dropped off.

                                                   Thank you SO much!!


  • Please show proof of purchase at the door
  • Costumes must be elementary age appropriate and family friendly (NO blood, gore, weapons or inappropriate dress will be allowed).
  • All children are required to be accompanied by a parent or caregiver (no drop-offs).


Please direct any questions to events@cougarridgeptsa.org


Let's Have a Spooktacular Time!

Cougar Ridge Elementary PTSA