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Mar 30
Apr 1
8:15a Green Team Meeting
Green Team Meeting
Thursday, April 10
8:15a - 9:00a
Cougar Ridge
Monthly Green Team Meeting for pre approved Green Team Members only.
Calling all 5th Graders! – Save the date for CMMS Bingo night on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:30 PM. Look for more information to come from your Room Parents!
Friday, April 11th – Last day to purchase a yearbook
Thursday, April 24th – STEAM Fair
Your help is appreciated!
Have you purchased your yearbook? – Don’t miss out on this hardcover collection of pictures to help your child remember their year at Cougar Ridge. You can check to see if you purchased your yearbook by going to My Account, Account Information, then scroll down to Orders. Don’t delay, prices will increase on March 11th. Questions? Contact Kim Beaudoin.
Replacement of Bobcat Statue – CR Families, we need your help! – We need to replace our current Bobcat statue with a new one that is waiting to be installed. If you or someone you know has a construction company that can help, please reach out to Diana Heyd for more details.
Be In The Know About Volunteering at Cougar Ridge Elementary!
Want to know about other volunteer opportunities at the school? Sign up for our volunteer interest list (note: this requires an account on our PTSA website if you are not already registered).
Complete your Volunteer Application! Please also complete your Volunteer Application with the Issaquah School District and make sure you have Cougar Ridge Elementary School selected under school preferences. You must renew your volunteer application with ISD every year!
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Needed for STEAM Fair! – Our STEAM Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Music) is coming up at the end of April, and we’re looking for a team of volunteers to help plan and execute this exciting event! If you’re interested in helping bring hands-on STEAM learning to our students, please contact Emad to get involved.
Interested in helping our Cougar Ridge PTSA? – There are many events you can help with such as Book Fair, Spelling Bee, Chess Club, STEAM Club, Science Fair, Art Fair, Reflections, Bingo, Gift-a-Book, and Staff Appreciation. Support roles are available such as webmaster and liaison to Issaquah Schools Foundation. A wonderful way to meet other parents is to help with Meet the Teacher and Kindergarten Playground Night. If you have a lot of time, please consider the Fundraising Committee. If you have a little time, we need help with the school's emergency supplies. Every role is important and any time you can give us is incredibly valuable and appreciated! Please reach out to Kim Beaudoin if you would like more info about any of these positions. We also welcome new ideas on how to support our wonderful community of teachers and students.
Get involved with Cougar Ridge PTSA! – This is a great way to meet other parents in your community and help our amazing school. We currently have several supportive positions available. Please contact Kim Beaudoin to find a committee that fits your interests.
Green Team Recycling Tips for January:
This month, the Green Team is examining the excess waste of plastic toys (including their packaging), bread tags and plastic bottle caps.
Be mindful as you consume this month.
Can you find an alternative item that has less plastic waste? Or better yet, can you do without buying something altogether? If you do have to buy the items, can you repurpose them into something new, or art perhaps? Our February meeting will be dedicated to turning plastic waste into art!
Green team would like to invite families to collect bread tags and plastic bottle caps (clean and dry). We will use them at our February meeting, but will continue to collect throughout the year. Collection bins will be outside Mrs. Christensen’s room, as well as in the front office. What doesn’t get used will be recycled in Ridwell bins.
If you want to receive a school directory, you must be a PTSA member. We welcome your support - thank you!
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